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VB .net Online: Projeção de Mercator

Foto do escritor: Adauto CostaAdauto Costa

Atualizado: 30 de jul. de 2023

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Imports System.Math

Public Class Elipsoide
    Public SemiEixoMaior As double
    Public Excentricidade As double
    Public Nome As String
    Public Sub New(nome as String, a as Double, f as Double)
      Dim fi as Double = 1/f
      SemiEixoMaior = a
      Excentricidade = Sqrt(2*fi - fi^2)
      Nome = nome
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Mercator

    Public Elip As Elipsoide
    Public x As Double
    Public y As Double
    Public k As Double
    Public m As Double
    Public ReadOnly Property c As Double
            Return 0 ' convergência meridiana é sempre zero
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Sub New(el As Elipsoide, lat As Double, lon As Double, Optional ByVal l0 As Double = 0)
        Elip = el
        m = l0
        x = Calcular_X(lon * PI / 180)
        y = Calcular_Y(lat * PI / 180)
        k = Calcular_K(lat * PI / 180)
    End Sub

    Public Function Calcular_X(ByVal longitude As Double) As Double
        Return Elip.SemiEixoMaior * (longitude - m * PI / 180)
    End Function

    Public Function Calcular_Y(ByVal latitude As Double) As Double
        Dim termo1 As Double = Tan(PI / 4 + latitude / 2)
        Dim termo2 As Double = (1 - Elip.Excentricidade * Sin(latitude)) / (1 + Elip.Excentricidade * Sin(latitude))
        Dim termo3 As Double = Pow(termo2, Elip.Excentricidade / 2)
        Return Elip.SemiEixoMaior * Log(termo1 * termo3)
    End Function

    Public Function Calcular_K(ByVal latitude As Double) As Double
        Dim N As Double = Elip.SemiEixoMaior / Sqrt(1 - Pow(Elip.Excentricidade, 2) * Pow(Sin(latitude), 2))
        Return Elip.SemiEixoMaior / (N * Cos(latitude))
    End Function

    Public Shared Function ProblemaInverso(el As Elipsoide, x As Double, y As Double, m As Double) As Double()
        Dim e As Double = el.Excentricidade
        Dim a As Double = el.SemiEixoMaior
        Dim l As Double = (x / a + m * PI / 180) 
        Dim t As Double = Exp(-y / a)
        Dim o0 As Double = PI / 2 - 2 * Atan(t)
        Dim o(50) As Double
        o(0) = o0
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To o.Length - 1
            o(i) = PI / 2 - 2 * Atan(t * (((1 - e * Sin(o(i - 1))) / (1 + e * Sin(o(i - 1)))) ^ (e / 2)))
            If Abs(o(i - 1) - o(i)) <= 0.00000001 Then
                Exit For
            End If
        Return New Double() {o(i) * 180 / PI, l * 180 / PI}
    End Function

End Class

Module Teste

  Public Sub Main()
        Dim lat = -8.5 'Latitude em graus decimais
        Dim lon = -32.2 'Longitude em graus decimais
        Dim m = -33 'Meridiano Central
        Dim el As New Elipsoide("GRS80", 6378137, 298.257222101)
        Dim mer As New Mercator(el, lat, lon, m) 'PROBLEMA DIRETO
        Dim mer_inv1 = Mercator.ProblemaInverso(el, mer.x, mer.y, m) 'PROBLEMA INVERSO
        Dim str as String = "Coord. de Entrada (lat, lon, merid central):" & vbNewLine & "(" & lat & "," & lon & "," & m & ")"
        Console.Write(vbNewLine & "Problema Direto:")
        str = vbNewLine & "(x, y, fator escala):" & vbNewLine & "(" & Round(mer.x,3) & "," & Round(mer.y,3) & "," & Round(mer.k,8) & ")"
        Console.Write(vbNewLine & "Problema Inverso:")
        str = vbNewLine & "(lat, lon):" & vbNewLine & "(" & Round(mer_inv1(0),4) & "," & Round(mer_inv1(1),4) & ")"
  End Sub

End Module

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No código abaixo, altere os valores das coordenadas de entrada e clique em "Run". Aproveite!

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